Cash Back Credit Cards

Cash back credit cards can be a great way to earn rewards for the things you buy every day. The typical cash back rate is 1%, although some cash back credit cards offer a higher percentage for certain purchases like groceries and gas. Keep in mind that these cards generally require a good to excellent credit rating for approval and often come with a higher interest rate. If you carry a balance month-to-month, you'll probably end up paying many times over in interest what you get in cash back.
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Cash Back Credit Cards (5)

BMO Harris Credit Cards

BMO Harris Credit Card is the credit card of shopping provided by BMO Harris Company to help customers. BMO Harris Bank was founded in 1882. NA is the headquarters of Bank of America in Chicago, Illinois. It is a member of the Federal Reserve System and operates branches in Illinois, Indiana, Arizona, Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas, Florida, and Wisconsin. BMO Harris Bank has more than 600 branches and 1,300 ATMs and 14,500 employees in the United States. The bank is a subsidiary of the Bank of Montreal, a Canadian multinational corporation, commonly known as BMO, which owns BMO Harris Bank through the holding company BMO Financial Corporation.

Citizens Bank Credit Cards

Citizens Bank Credit Card is a credit card provided by Citizens Bank for customers to help shopping. Citizens Bank was founded in 1828, headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island. Is a listed company in the United States, mainly doing financial services. Citizens Bank Credit Card is more suitable for Citizens Bank's loyal shoppers, providing customers with a good shopping experience, bringing more shopping discounts. So if you like shopping, you can learn some ways to save money.

First Nation Bank Credit Cards

First Nation Bank credit cards offer benefits and features to meet a variety of financial needs. Take a look at what each card has to offer and decide which one is right for you. You can even put your favorite photo on your credit card! It’s easy to do and a fun way to show your personality whenever you shop.

Nationwide Credit Card

Whether you’re accumulating cash-back rewards, building your credit score or getting out of debt, Nationwide Bank® wants to help you make smarter decisions with your credit cards. Use these credit card resources, tips and tools to get the most out of your credit card.

Freedom Credit Card

Earn 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in combined purchases in bonus categories each quarter you activate and unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.

What is a cash back credit card?

As the name implies, cash back credit cards reward your expenses with cash. The cash back amount you get is set to the percentage rate. How much money you can get, or you can have is unlimited. Cash back can be redeemed for your balance, credit card shopping portal, gift card or statement deposited in a bank account.                

What are the benefits of cash back credit cards?

Get cash directly

Cash back credit cards do not provide points and other credit card rewards, but instead, calculate the total value of monthly expenses and then return some of them in cash.

Sign-up bonus

Many cash back credit cards offer a unique sign-up bonus. This is very valuable for people who want to buy big-ticket items.

No limitations

Some credit cards have limitations about how you can get rewards points and redeem the points you earn. But cash back credit cards are more flexible.                

What do you need to apply a cash back credit card?

Credit score

Most cash back credit cards require a minimum of very good credits. So cash back credit cards are suitable for people with high credit scores. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get approved a cash back credit card, you can try to apply for a rewards credit card instead.


You can apply for a store credit card online, in banks or by email depending on the card. And you just need to fill in your personal information and submit your application. The credit card issuer will consider your credit reports and several different factors when reviewing your application to get an idea of your creditworthiness.

How to use a cash back credit card?

Read your credit card terms and conditions.

This will give you an idea of how you can earn rewards, when rewards will post and other information.

Focus your spending

Because cash back credit cards with few limitations such as no cash back limit usually have a lower cash back rate. Therefore, concentrate your spending on a single card, instead of spacing your shopping across multiple cards, will help you to increase the cash back rate and get more cash back.

Don’t miss out your sign-up bonus

Remember when your sign-up bonus will expire and make sure you can meet the minimum spending requirement to qualify for the bonus, otherwise you maybe miss a few hundreds of dollars.

Plan and budget

Cash back credit cards return cardholders cash as rewards, but tend to have higher interest rates. If you carry a balance, your interest charge may be more than your rewards. Therefore, we recommend you to pay the bill in full on time in order to avoid paying high interest.                

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About Cash Back Credit Cards

Digital wallets and online payment systems like PayPal can make it easier to transfer money or make electronic payments.

Need friends to pay you back for concert tickets? Done. Quickly send your league manager that fantasy football buy-in you forgot about? Easy. Buy that cute gift you wanted to grab off Etsy? Just a few clicks and voila!

Online payment methods including are rising in popularity. But credit cards aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Do PayPal credit cards offer the best of both worlds?

In this in-depth review, you'll learn about the PayPal Cashback Mastercard and the PayPal Extras Mastercard. We outline the main benefits, programs, fees, and drawbacks of each so that you can answer that question for yourself!

Hot Tip: These cards are often confused with PayPal's prepaid Mastercard options (debit cards). If you are looking for PayPal's Cash Mastercard (a very similar card name!) or PayPal's Prepaid Mastercard, see our article on those Paypal cards.

About icomparecards

About three-quarters of Americans have at least one credit card,In fact, the average person has 3.4 cards. But whether you have a wallet full of plastic or have never charged a purchase in your life, you should know how to apply for a credit card the right way when the time comes. getting approved for a credit card requires proactive planning that should start long before you apply. That's why icomparecards born, we aim to help you to find the right credit card, and then successfully apply a credit card.

How To Apply For A Credit Card

Credit card applications are straightforward, but you'll need to meet some minimum financial requirements to get approved for the best credit card offers. Learn how to apply for a credit online and what to expect after you click submit.

  • Knowing your credit score and what's on your credit report can help you determine what products to apply for. If you have fair credit, for example, you may not want to apply for a card that clearly states that only applicants with excellent credit will be approved.
  • If you don't have good credit, you may find it difficult to get approved for a card with a large sign-up bonus and a lucrative reward structure. Each credit card application ends up on your credit report, so the Nerds recommend using our credit cards comparison tool to find a card that fits your credit profile before applying.
  • If the card allows balance transfers, you may request to have balances transferred from other credit card accounts to the new card.
  • To apply for a credit card in the US, you’ll need a valid Social Security number and a positive credit history. The best rewards credit cards may require at least three to five years of good credit history, and some more than seven.
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